Why You Should Replace Your Sliding Door Locks Regularly Regular upkeep of sliding door locks is probably not something you have thought about in your customary home maintenance routines. While keeping locks clean may help extend the life of these mechanisms, if you have already noticed issues with your lock sticking or failing to operate properly, it’s probably time to replace it entirely. Faulty sliding door locks are a safety concern for your family and a security risk for your home, so don’t delay. Replacing Sliding Door Locks in the San Francisco Bay Area You don’t need to beat yourself up over the condition of your sliding door locks. It’s inevitable that your exterior doors will be exposed to the elements in addition to normal wear and tear. In fact, there are several natural occurrences that impact the effectiveness of a lock. Accumulation of dirt, oils and grime Dust, including from inserted keys Typical outdoor weather conditions A quick way to check if your … [Read more...]