Is Your Patio Door Going to Make it Through Winter? Colder months are approaching, so now is the time to prepare your patio door for the fall and winter. Making your patio door more energy efficient should be a priority for homeowners. As door frames settle, gaps are created that allow chilly air indoors. One method to check for drafts: Close all doors and windows and hold a lit incense stick along the edge of the door about six inches away. The smoke from the stick will change direction where any air is leaking. Mark those spots with colored tape. Plug the gaps between the door frame and wall with silicone or caulk. Weatherstripping will close the gaps between the door and the door frame. Be sure to remove old weatherstripping before applying new. Because there are various types of weatherstripping available, take a sample of the old weatherstripping with you as a guide to buying new weatherstripping at the home improvement or hardware store. Instructions on how to … [Read more...]